
About The Program

Following the success of the ‘One Week One Lab’ (OWOL) program conducted by all CSIR laboratories in 2023, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon’ble Minister (S&T), proposed the observance of the ‘One Month One Theme’ event in 2024. The OWOT event is aimed at showcasing innovative approaches and technological advancements developed by CSIR laboratories focused on each of the eight themes of CSIR. The theme-based week long activities will showcase innovative approaches and technological advances across the CSIR laboratories.

Significance-The Thematic approach

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has undertaken several initiatives to translate laboratory leads to marketable/value-added technologies/products, enhancing interactions and connecting to stakeholders to enable ease of technology licensing. One of the initiatives is the “Thematic approach” to harness multidisciplinary talent and infrastructure for solving specific challenges in identified sectors. The road map and activities of each theme focus on substantial contributions toward public, private, strategic, and societal benefits.